
Day One Hundred Twenty

What day is it anyway? I feel so out of it this week; it just seems to be slipping sneakily away. Well, I headed over to the auntie’s this morning to help her out in cutting and burning (oooh...fire!) material to make some of her incredible hair pieces! Here’s one I came up with:

As I returned home, I saw, there on the porch, my photo order waiting for me!! With a yelp, I grabbed the box (and tube) and headed inside!

My wonderful 24x36 inch photograph from France arrived, and will be framed fairly soon! Ah, print orders are so exciting.

Well, anyway, I think I should get down to the real reason you’re here!

So, today’s word really struck me because of the incredible amount of it, and continuing need for it in my house. This family seems to collect incredible amounts of strange and interesting objects. Every flat surface in the house is covered in strange little pieces of art and bits of places we’ve been. What is the point of this explanation, you ask? I hope today’s word can tell you that:

shelve v. To put aside; to place on a shelf.

I really liked the idea of illustrating a character that was both bewildered and intrigued by an incredible collection of strange objects.

Although this sketch is fairly simple, I couldn’t believe the crazy amount of time that it took to “fill” all of these shelves!!

I hope you enjoy this rather odd character and her giant collection of stuff.

Thank you so much for reading, and enjoy your Friday!

Wait...enjoy your Thursday, and then your Friday. Apologies for the premature celebration.


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