
Day One Hundred Twenty Six

As I am not sure when I’ll be home this evening, I figured I’d post early today! I, for one, am ready to leave this house and go out to enjoy the spring weather!! It’s so sunny and lovely today; I can hardly stand to sit at this desk and type away. Only for you, dear readers, only for you.

So, today’s word went along well with the new people in my life, and allowed me to venture outside my usual illustration subjects.

tem-po n., pl. –pos or –pi Mus. The rate or speed at which a musical composition is to be played.

After a failed (and seriously strange) attempt at a salsa dancer dipping backwards, I decided to go with something a little more edgy. I thought about the various uses of “tempo” and the things that could be associated with it. Then, it hit me! Among the many things I cannot yet do are play any form of musical instrument, dance, or keep tempo! Despite this, I’ve always loved music, and it’s been very central in my life. The instrument(s) I would most like to play has always been the drums, so I decided to illustrate a chick drummer for today’s piece. Before I let you see this thing, I must apologize to anyone I know (or don’t know) who plays the drums for my poor representation of their gloriousness. With that in mind...

I actually like the way this one came out; it’s kind of strange and comical. I shaded the areas around the drums to give it a grungy feel, and because it’s pretty much always dark around the drummer.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post; thank you for reading!


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