
Day One Hundred Eleven

Missing: Monday, March 28, 2011 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.  
If found, please return to Ruby Love.  

Today’s word took a bit of research. I have been vaguely interested in perfume and the science behind it for a while. I thought today’s word provided the perfect chance to explore that interest and do a bit of research to get just the vintage look I was going for. I did a bit of research on the word itself, and decided to incorporate different aspects of perfumery in addition to illustrating part of the process of today’s word.

Right, today’s word...

en-fleu-rage n. The process to extract perfumes for flowers.

Looking up the classic methods of perfume making, I learned that flower petals were spread atop a sheet of glass coated with fat. (eew) As the fat pulled the essence of the flowers out of the petals, they would be replaced with fresh ones. As I was hurried, and only trying to get the basics of the structure of these frames, this is as far into the process as I got. But, what little I did learn was interesting. I decided to incorporate a perfume bottle, a curly-haired maiden, and several French words in addition to the frames.

I began in pencil,

Then inked and colored the illustration in pastel.

I like the way the flower petals are distributed throughout the picture, and I think the new addition of the color orange made a difference in the texture.
I hope you enjoyed today’s post; thank you for reading!


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