
Day Twenty Eight

And now for something completely different...

Today I opted for a simple sketch in pencil, which turned into a multimedia(ish) piece. The word is one that(for some strange reason) always makes me think of an old diner. Sort of a glossy, shiny fifties-style diner...the kind that serves up delicious heart attacks three times a day. You know the one... Okay, well I guess I’ll tell you today’s word (and let you realize just how strange I am for making the connections that I do)...

may-on-naise  n.  A dressing for salads, made by beating raw egg yolk, oil, lemon juice, or vinegar and seasonings.

I guess the dictionary is handy for definitions AND recipes now...

So anyway, I decided to sketch the first thing that came to mind:

For good measure, I added a dollop of white paint to accentuate the mayonnaise aspect of it...

Hope you enjoy!!


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