
Day Forty Seven

Oh boy! Today’s word...I could NOT have thought of a better one. I will tell the story from the beginning. Realizing I had yet to complete my day’s work, I emerged slowly from my vegetative state on the couch, rolled over to the dictionary, and “found” today’s word. It took me approximately an hour to convince myself to get up off the couch and face the seemingly daunting task ahead. Alright, enough of this drama...

When I saw today’s word, my eyes immediately went to the styrofoam containers piled on the coffee table. Mmm, Chinese take-out. If, like me, you have parents who refuse to shop anywhere but health food stores and the closest you got to Wonder Bread as a child was seeing it on tv, you’ve probably heard today’s word many times...

mon-o-so-di-um  glu-ta-mate  n.  Sodium glut-amate used as a seasoning, abbreviated as MSG.

Oh, MSG, how I love thee. I think this word (or words) wins the award for most syllables so far. Well, after gazing at the coffee table (had a nice, close, eye-level view from the couch) the rice container caught my eye. I’ve always loved them; there’s something so...cute about eating rice out of a little paper box with a handle. Anyway, I used the take-out rice box as a start for today’s piece. Because an illustration on monosodium glutamate sounded boring (and involved research) I decided to illustrate feelings, actions, and objects I associated with MSG (specifically in Chinese food).

Side One:

Stuffed cheeks and full bellies.

Side Two:

Bowls of food and (what is supposed to be) fortune cookies.

Side Three:

Left: The initial excitement as the delivery person arrives.

Right: Ordering, and a post chow-down nap.

Side Four:

Looking forward to some yummy Chinese food.


Gotta’ love that MSG.

Thanks for reading!! As always, I hope you enjoyed today's post. 


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