
Day Forty One

Great day today. I shot some cool pictures of the melting ice and snow, ate a good lunch, and learned everything there is to know about art therapy. *sigh*. Wait...it was more of a *SIGHHHHHHHH!!!*. Ahh, there we go.

Now, for today’s word.

san-i-ty  n. The state of being sane.

Of course, drawing a sane person would be no fun. Anyway, how could you know for sure they were sane? Maybe they were super crazy and just super good at hiding it. You would never, ever know. Until they killed you or ate the family pet...then you would probably know.

Well, as you have probably guessed, I drew someone pretty insane. 

As with yesterday’s piece, (although the outcome was extremely different) I used oil pastels to add emotion. I liked the smudged and dirty effect the gray and black pastels gave to this character’s face. I figured if the intense stare didn’t do it, the sagging eyes and striped jumpsuit would clue you in to the fact that this character is a little off.

Hope you enjoy today’s piece!
Stay crazy, people.


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