
Day One Hundred Eighty Five

I thought I might get something done with this day. Silly me.
I did spend quite a few hours scouting for locations to shoot the super 8 movie which, although very fun, served to make it very clear to me that I have yet to come up with a decent idea. I find myself with all of the energy and resources to really say something, but am without something to say.
I’m not sure if it’s that, really. I think I have plenty to say...I’m just not entirely sure what I’d like to say first, or how to form it into a coherent message. I’m hoping, as I load the film into the camera, something will really come to me. But, with cartridges hovering around $14 per, I don’t have much room to mess around. I’m hoping, as the frustration builds, the dam will break and I’ll be able to get this out...whatever it is.

I think I’d better stop ranting now and begin to tell you about today’s project. (Maybe I should make another blog...just for the rants...nah...they’ve got to be mixed with things that really matter or no one would listen. Is anyone listening anyway?)

mag-nil-o-quent adj. Speaking or spoken in a lofty and extravagant manner.

I love the way “magniloquent” fits, in its very essence, with its definition. I really wanted a character who embodied the definition of this word, and ended up with the same little person that’s been haunting (for lack of a better word) this blog for the past few days. I’m not sure what it is about him/her, but I can’t seem to shake them.

Maybe they’re just versatile; maybe they’re just not finished with me yet...who knows. I like the way that this one has ended up a little more abstract; a little more...out there.

Oh, well. I’m not sure if I’m stuck in a rut or working my way through something. I guess we’ll see!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone. Sleep in for me.



  1. I really like this one.. it leaves a certain element to the imagination - and even though it's abstract, the character still feels somewhat realistic.

  2. Your characters say SO much with their body language... you get so much from each line you draw.. How many times have I seen this person at a party?! Lol.. How many times has this been one of us?? :) nicely done.
