
Day One Hundred Forty Eight

I have never before wished so much for summer break, and had so little to do in order to get to it. I guess I have nothing to complain about, there. I thought I’d hammer out today’s post before I brewed a pot of coffee and got started on what is sure to be a long night; I’ve got the art bug. I know...again so soon? That’s just how it goes now, I guess.
I’ve decided to blame today’s post on the pen. As I was simply too lazy to travel the (literally) 36 inches to my backpack to grab an extra-fine tipped pen, I was “stuck” using a wider one (I cannot stand thick lines over an entire drawing). Therefore, it’s the pen’s fault that I could not compose something satisfactory for you today...do you follow my logic? No? Oh, well.
Anyways, today’s word, its use usually followed by an eye roll and a theatric sigh, is one that has become a sort of nick-name for me.

small—fry adj. To be pertaining to a child.

I decided to go all-out with the use of small fry, and create an exaggerated representation of a little character.

I started with the boy and his flower, and worked out from there. I’m not sure I really like this piece, but I did get a serious kick out of drawing it.

Thanks for reading.


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