
Day One Hundred Fifty Three

I think it’s funny how things change day-to-day. Rituals like this blog allow me to step back from my everyday routine and compare the days as they pass by. I think, beyond the satisfaction and inspiration that comes with creating art on a daily basis (it’s great practice to have to pull a bit of creativity out of yourself every day) that this is my favorite thing about this project. Without it, the days might just run together.

Note: Having just finished my first viewing of My Dinner with Andre, I’ve absorbed, in the wide-eyed way of children, much of the dinner conversation I’ve just witnessed.

Continuing on, I used today’s word as a spring-board to something a little different (than the word) and very similar (to what I seem to be drawing lately).

phar-ma-cy n, pl. –cies. A place of business which specializes in preparing, identifying, and disbursing drugs; a drugstore.

As opposed to simply illustrating a pharmacy, I decided to illustrate a character who might be in need of one. For some odd reason, I’ve been really inspired lately to draw characters of a darker, sickly nature. I’ve found, as most young people looking for adventure, authenticity, or some other validation for their angst tend to, a source of inspiration in the ragged, dark-eyed, chain-smoking, and malnourished people that lurk in the various corners of the world.
Well, I’m not sure today’s illustration is of the quality to live up to that build-up, but, regardless, here it is:

A quick sketch, I cannot decide if I hate it or if it works. Upon completing it, I experienced the simultaneous want to crumple it up and to make a dozen more like it.
I’ll let you decide whether to click that red x on your screen, or to wait another 24 hours for what comes next.

Have a good evening.


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