
Day Sixteen

So much wrapping...SO much wrapping...I think I’ve fallen into a Christmas coma. Finished at last, though!

Tired of grabbing the same old random sheet of cardstock or plain paper, I decided to use an object many of you who are currently in the process of wrapping piles of gifts will know all too well; the wrapping paper tube. I saw it laying there on the floor as I prepared to begin today’s project, and thought it would make an interesting new addition to the collection.

Ah, yes...today’s word...

e-nor-mous  adj.  Very great in size or degree.

 Today, I decided not to think, and just to draw. I came up with a couple of satisfying versions to show you. The second one (with the man) is my favorite of the two (I think I got a better handle on drawing on that type of surface the second time around), but you are entitled to your opinion.

Apologies for the short post! Hope you enjoy the bounty of photographs...


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