
Day Two Hundred Twenty Six

Oh, boy. Been up since 5:15. In case you haven't experienced the sweaty, humid, frantic mess that is the Lawrence sidewalk sale...it begins before the sun rises and ends after it sets. Most every store along Mass street puts out incredible amounts of stuff at serious discounts...and hoards of people swarm downtown to sort through and buy while sweating profusely. 
Ah, you've got to love this country. 

Anyway, consumerism ate up the majority of today and I was happy to finally settle down and get some art down on paper. 

root-hold n. The anchorage of a plant in the soil by the growing and spreading of its roots.

I fell in love with the application of this word to my life, and the lives of so many of the people in it. Although I illustrated this word rather literally, I knew I would spend time explaining the thought behind this drawing. 

I know it is just my youth, but the thought of "roots" and establishing them makes me just a little...itchy. I think, though, that it is a mistake to view roots as something that could trap. Because the idea of roots is not a literal thing at all, at least not in my opinion. Roots are not a house, or a neighborhood, or even a country (although those things can contribute to the feeling of establishing them).  Roots, to me, are an internal thing. I see the importance of establishing roots for yourself, and the equal importance of recognizing and appreciating the roots from which you grew. 
Now that I am thinking more about it, I really look forward to establishing the kind of roots that allow a person calm and stability of mind-allowing them to weather any kind of turmoil. 
I'll be lucky if I ever am able to establish these type of roots, but I will strive for it. 

I think I'd better get to work now-packing and such. 



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