
Day Two Hundred Forty Two

I guess you could say today was quite a step up from yesterday.
I managed to drag my butt down in to the darkroom after sleeping in ‘til 10:30 (oops) and finish the prints for my upcoming shows. At least, I hope those were the last few. As it turns out, the issued I’d been having with my paper, and lines appearing on it, were due to a too-strong safelight! A few pieces of notebook paper and some duct tape later, its strength had been reduces to the point of allowing me to continue to work without ruining the remainder of my paper.

Before I continue slaving away over my writing, I thought I’d stop, find a word, and draw something...

mag-ni-fy v. To increase in size; to cause to seem more important or greater; to glorify or praise someone or something.

Inspired by the hilarity of a set of photographs that had been put through a sort of a warping filter, I decided to apply today’s word to the look of a character.

Hah! She looks rather unhappy at being stuck in this rather unfortunate...eh...position.

I think I’ll get back to work now...try and rid myself of this headache.


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