
Day Two Hundred Forty Six

Well! A refreshing day off from working was just enough to make me want to dive back into my art.
I’m thinking about starting a new project. Maybe large format. I dunno yet. Maybe I should finish one of the other things I’m working on before putting another iron in the metaphorical fire. Speaking of projects, I’d better get started on today’s...

string n. A strip of thin twine, wire, or catgut used on stringed musical instruments; a series of related acts, items, or events; in Computer Science, data arranged in an ascending or descending sequence according to a command within the data.

Try as I might, I couldn’t shake the image of the bank scene in the movie ‘O Brother Where Art Thou?’... Where she’s got her children tied to her with twine. I’ve always loved the sweetness and hilarity of this gaggle of small children all tied up to their mother as she goes about her business. I decided, for today’s piece, to illustrate something similar, but simplified a bit.

I rather like the expression on the child’s face. It always strikes me as odd when I go to draw a simple face, and end up with a distinct expression.


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