
Day One Hundred Forty Six

Oh, boy! Super, super late post...
Today signaled (although, not in terms of weather) the start of summer. It passed slowly by with that languid, dream-like quality that (usually) only summer can provide. I hope, this week, to have school finished so that I may really kick back and enjoy myself. For now, we labor on. (haha)

Once again without my dictionary, I grumbled over to the thesaurus to find a usable word for today. I ended up with a word that really had nothing to do with my day, but also everything to do with it. (I like to make sense on this blog.)

en-dure v. To continue.

I set out to illustrate a very solid, resolute illustration. Lacking evidence of pain, fury, or troubles in need of overcoming, I wanted someone who quietly endured. It really spoke to me to present a character who, despite being in the midst of turmoil, remained calm and at peace.

I decided not to include arms or any extraneous detail, in keeping with the sense of tranquility I sought to convey through this illustration. Once again, I have drawn a speck closer to being able to illustrate rain in a way that made sense to me. For today’s attempt, I sketched lines ending in water droplets around the character, and then blended various shades of blue pastel over the inked lines.
I kind of like this one, I think.

As always, thank you.


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