
Day One Hundred Forty Seven

Well, I've been reunited with my dictionary, but have left my laptop at home. Oh, well...I'll get it right one of these days. Oh..a happy birthday to my youngest brother; four years!

Today's word took me quite a while (about an hour, actually) to figure out how to use. It finally dawned on me, as I stared at a blank white sheet, to use it to demonstrate some of the difficulty of the creative process. The piece (of crap) I made today embodied, from start to finish, the awkward, doubt-filled, often painful process that is creating art. 

al-low v. To make a provision for, to permit; to permit to have; to admit; to concede. 

Now, you may be wondering what exactly the word "allow" has to do with the struggles of us pretentious, angst-y artists, so I will do my best to explain my thought process (or lack thereof) on this one. I began by running through the various uses of "allow" in an attempt to come up with something worth illustrating. Then, I began to think about how difficult it is, as an artist, to show your work to others. Allowing the outside world to see something you made with your own hands (and something you most likely have a really low opinion of) can be an incredibly uncomfortable thing to do. The irony of this statement is not lost on me; having spent the last one hundred and forty six days broadcasting my art, I cannot claim to be too utterly shy about my work. Anyway, I set out to illustrate the feeling I get after finishing a piece (especially a piece of writing). This feeling is rarely one of pride or of satisfaction, and instead is one of contempt. Most often, I have to fight the overwhelming urge to crumple/scratch out/burn what I've just made. 

I'm not happy, by any means, with the way this came out but I think that's kind of part of the intent of today's piece.


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