
Day One Hundred Fifty Four

Well, I managed to actually get a print finished this evening; after burning two screens and sanding down an old board. This means that, in the last week or so, I’ve gotten two successful prints finished:

Yay! I’m looking forward to experimenting more with the recent sketches I’ve come up with, and working more with the few boards I’ve acquired.

Now, let’s get down to business. Unable to find my old dictionary (that’s what you get for cleaning your room...), I had to settle for the weird thesaurus. Okay, it’s not really that weird, but it’s strange not using my usual book. I liked today’s word because of the way I’ve often heard it used; by young people in mocking that sort of snobby, old-man way of speaking.

concur v. accord, be consonant with, be in harmony (with); see agree, approve, equal.

Immediately, I thought of an old man with a large mustache. The kind that makes you immediately forgive him for using a word as pompous as “concur”.

I decided against inking this drawing; I didn’t want to lose the softness that the pencil lent to the illustration.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post; thanks for reading!


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