
Day Two Hundred Ninety One

What a lovely day. 
Curled up on the stoop in the alley behind sunflower today-that alley where it's always cool and the walls are blanketed in ivy. Just far enough away from the chain-smoking hipsters to escape from being trapped in the cloud of Black and Mild. 

dip v. To let or put down into a liquid momentarily; to lift up and out by scooping or bailing; to be baptized by immersion; to make candles by repeatedly immersing wicks in wax or tallow; to sink or go down suddenly. n. A sauce made of liquid, into which something is to be dipped; a depression or hollow. Slang A silly person.

I liked this word. It made me think of, before getting in the pool, daintily dipping our toes carefully into the water to test the temperature. 

Apparently testing the water is more effective without a head or hands. 


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