
Day Two Hundred Eighty Three

Hey people...
Did you go outside today?
Crack a window?
Because, if you didn't, let me tell you...
It was chilly out there. 
Magnificently, wonderfully, brilliantly chilly. 
I can say that today is the first day of a very long time that I've been cold after leaving the house. Ah, bliss.

Anyway, continuing on...

Today's word really could have become anything. It lent itself to the dark and dreary in my mind, but I pulled back from that and decided to throw some humor in there. 

pit n. An artificial or manmade hole in the ground; a slight indentation in the skin, as a scar from the chicken pox; an area for refueling or repair at a car race; the stone in the middle of some fruit, as peaches. the pits Anything at its worst. 

So, "the pits" was really what struck me, but as I mentioned before, I'm through with that for now...

The image that formed in my head just struck me as a rather strange and comical scene, and I sought to illustrate it. 


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