
Day One Hundred Eighty Four

Gah! I’ve only got half an hour to hammer out this post...I’d better hurry this one up. I received my first Super 8 camera in the mail today (gasp) and am really looking forward to trying it out!

Now, for today’s project...

I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten this word before, but I couldn’t resist.

ar-gyle n. a pattern knitted with varicolored, diamond-shaped designs.

Because argyle is a pretty noticeable pattern anyway, I wanted to create something really loud, but still interesting at the same time.

I absolutely adore this character. I’ve always wished I was able to pull of the tailored menswear look in such an elegant, laid-back way. Unfortunately, being a teeny girl, it’s almost impossible to find any men’s clothing that is so well-fitting. Oh, well, at least I can (kind of) draw it.

I’d better publish this now, before it hits midnight and someone ends up a pumpkin.



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