
Day Three Hundred

Sixty five days left of this blog. 
It's almost depressing.
Yet exciting. 
Like looking forward to vacation.

all right adj. Meets satisfaction, certainly. adv. Satisfactory; correct; un-hurt. adj., Slang Good; of sound character; dependable.

I look at the (almost) year that's gone by since the beginning of this blog and I think about how much has changed. It's interesting, though, how things swung so far out and are beginning to come full circle. 
Things are going back to the way they should be. 
Now, with winter coming, I'm looking forward to going back to it being just me and my camera. I missed the silence and simplicity...but I don't know that I want to go completely back to hiding out in the darkroom.

Ah, well. 
We'll see.
