
Day Two Hundred Forty Eight

Today, the bit that I saw of it (note to self: get your ass outa bed before noon) was wonderful. It was rainy in the late afternoon and, by the time I got out of the house, it had cooled on and that kind of rain that you don’t mind was falling down between bits of sunshine. I wandered down to Mass street to check things out. Ended up perching up on an old doorstep in an alley for a while...trying to get to the end of the Henry Miller book I checked out oh-so-long ago. The sky was really, really dark at that point, and the air was almost chilly.
Just the faint hint of the coming fall.

In between rounds of Scattergories, I found and illustrated today’s word. I hadn’t intended on a humorous take on this word-in fact, just the opposite, but art is strange that way.

sweep v. to touch very lightly; to remove or clear away with a brush, broom, etc; to move with an even action.

As I got to drawing, this turned into a sort of funny illustration about passing the time while working.

Hah! I remember getting my first ipod, and stepping into our living room to find my mother very, very into a Beastie Boys song while sweeping our living room floor. Oh, the old days.


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