
Day One Hundred Thirty Four

Today ended as all days should end-under a blanket with a hot cup of tea. Sleepily, I fetched a piece of tagboard, pens, and a few pastels. I flipped through the pages of my old dictionary and settled upon a rather ordinary word.

ap-ple n. The round, red, yellow, or green edible fruit of a tree.

I thought about the word apple, and the imagery surrounding it. Deciding against a simple pastel sketch of an apple, I thought more about apples and their various uses. Then, I hit upon the idea of an apple, atop a head, being used for target practice. Giving it a little twist, I decided to have the person balancing the apple be enjoying the tension, and smiling in an almost mischievous way.

I like that she seems to enjoy the (imagined) reaction of the viewer and the (probable) hesitation of the shooter. I used thin lines of pen to give texture to the background, as I was going for an out-in-the-yard-against-the-shed look. I also like the addition of the goggles (as if they’d provide any protection).

I hope you enjoyed today’s post; thanks for reading!


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