
Day One Hundred Fourteen

Oh boy!! I spent a long day searching for frames and such for upcoming shows, and was out way, way past dinner time in search of various shiny objects that might perfectly compliment illustrations encased in shadow boxes. Oh, the minutia!! When did being an artist become so difficult?! Oh, well. I think things are coming along nicely.

Well, it’s time for some making of art... So, I hauled my tired butt to my room in search of my dictionary. I flipped through, and stopped languidly at the following word:

shad-ow n. An area from which light is blocked; a shaded area. v. To cast or throw a shadow on.

Because there are so many options when it comes to “shadow”, I decided to simply begin to draw. I liked the very flowy, windy look that this character took on. I decided to incorporate today’s rainy, cold, blustery atmosphere into this drawing with the use of pastels. The blending of the pastels proved to be pretty difficult-I think my hands were frozen! 

I enjoy the way this turned out; although it is not the cleanest, most in-perspective illustration I’ve done, I like it.

Thanks so much for reading; I hope you enjoyed today’s post.

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