
Day Sixty

I had such a blast today at the annual Valentine’s Making Party! Got a few done; it is hard to decide what to make when given so many options. If you aren’t on “the list”, I suggest you go “fan” Mackomics Studio on Facebook to find out more about this dealio.

On that note, I pulled my sorry butt off the couch and dragged myself to the dictionary in search of a decent word. I think I found one.

ego n. The self thinking, feeling, and acting distinct from the external world. Physiol.  The conscious aspect that most directly controls behavior and is most in touch with reality.

This word’s definition made me think about how often “ego” is associated with something negative, and how that does not always have to be the case. At first, admittedly, I thought of a decked-out, obviously self-centered person. But then I read the definition of today’s word more closely and decided to go with something more elegant.

Although this character is strong, powerful, and well-kept, I did not intend for her to come across as particularly full of herself. I wanted, with today’s piece, to illustrate the importance of “self”. I translated (apologies if there are any errors) the word “I” into other languages and used them to create an environment around the character. I like the fact that she seems very confident and glamorous, yet she isn’t flaunting anything. I think it would be great to be like that; sophisticated and yet not out to prove anything. Ah, there is work to be done yet. It is rather difficult to be sophisticated and elegant at the towering height of 5’2”.

Well, dear reader(s), thank you for sticking around for sixty days. It is hard to believe it’s been that long!

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